Welcome our cause on May 20th- Green Lake Conservancy!!
The Green Lake Conservancy - is a community-based non-profit land trust that works to preserve, protect and enhance the aesthetic, ecological and recreational qualities of places that make the greater Big Green Lake Watershed special.
By "continuing a legacy of land ethic", Green Lake Conservancy's mission is:
Protect, enhance, and restore the quality of Green Lake
Preserve the biodiversity of natural areas within the watershed
Educate the public — foster a heightened sense of environmental awareness and promote a land ethic based on environmental stewardship and sustainable land use practices
The proceeds from their COTM night will go toward Conservancy Camps! Overnight camping adventures to empower youth as stewards and continuing a legacy of land ethic.
For more details:
http://www.greenlakeconservancy.org/ AND www.greenlakeconservancycamp.org
See you on May 20th!