Our Artist for the month of January is Hannah Kuplack!

Hannah's Bio:

I create art that blends flowers and bones in black and white. It's my way of saying that beauty exists in the little things we often overlook. By stripping away distractions in my art, I want to make it easier for people to see this beauty. It's a reminder that we can find elegance in the small and sometimes unexpected parts of life. Incorporating bones into my artwork isn't just about aesthetics; it's a nod to the aspects of life we might shy away from.

I believe that beauty is a choice, and my art encourages viewers to choose to see it in both the delicate and unconventional aspects of nature. It's like a visual pause button in our noisy world, offering a moment to appreciate the simple yet profound beauty that surrounds us. Through my black and white compositions, I aim to guide people towards recognizing beauty as a conscious decision. The marriage of flowers and bones serves as a metaphor for life's dualities, urging the audience to contemplate and appreciate the intricate dance between fragility and strength.

Stop in the month of January to take a look at Hannah's beautiful pieces!