Brenda Mulvey is our Artist Uncorked for the month of May.

Brenda's artist statement:

"A moment in time, whether it may be the etchings in an old man’s face, flowers in the breeze on a summer’s day, or the shadows of times gone by, as an artist, I try to give existence to subjects in visual terms. I feel blessed to be able to see through these eyes. I try to capture the beauty in ordinary things, to be reminded and to remind others that there is value in everything around us. I feel we are guests on this earth, and we should treat our host with the utmost respect, just as we would if we were invited to someone’s home for dinner. It is not uncommon for a person to bring the host being able to portray or give existence to the things I see around me, is my way of sharing of these gifts."

Stop by the month of May and walk through our "gallery" with a glass of wine!