Welcome RLWRI as our cause on June 17th!

RLWRI is dedicated to implementing a practical plan that allows Rush Lake, its affiliated streams, and connected wetlands to achieve their full recreational, aesthetic, and wildlife potentials for the mutual benefit of those who live, work, study, and recreate in the watershed.

Rush Lake Watershed Restoration, Inc. will be present to discuss its current activities, many of which relate to the 2019 Lake Management Planning Project. This Project is possible thanks to a $25,000 DNR grant and over $12,500 of combined local support from Townships, Organizational Partners, and Volunteers. Public input throughout the 2019 Project is critical, and will help determine the steps to be taken in 2020 and beyond. 25% of food sales and any cash donations will go directly to the cause.

We hope to see you for a great evening of food, drink, and conversation.
